Habitat International Coalition (HIC) is an international, independent, non-profit, non-governmental organization, integrating grassroots organizations and NGO's working for the right to housing in more than 75 countries throughout the world. Founded in 1976, the Mexico City Headquarters of HIC coordinate a wide range of global activities devoted to action for the recognition and implementation of the right of everyone to a place in which to live in peace and dignity.
At present, more than 350 local and national community-based and non-governmental organizations are members of HIC. HIC maintains consultative status (Category II) with the United Nations and participates frequently in the work of UN human rights bodies, as well as the UN Commission on Human Settlements.
HIC acts as an international pressure group in defense of the rights of the homeless, the poor and the inadequately housed and promotes the creation of awareness among the public in general about human settlements problems as well as the exchange of information on these problems and their solutions among members. The carrying out of on-site fact-finding missions constitutes an increasingly prominent aspect of the overall work programme of HIC.
Habitat International Coalition (HIC)
Cordobanes No.24, Col. San Jose Insurgentes,
TeI: 52.5.6516807, Fax: 52.5.5935194
E-Mail: hiclaneta.apc.org
(NOTE: HIC has moved since.)
copyright : HIC