This report was written by one of the quake-affected people and was submitted to the committee for Economic, Social, and Cultural rights at the beginning of August, 2001, just before the examination of report by the Government of Japan on August 21, based on the list of issues sent by the committee to Japanese government and the answer from Japanese government to the committee.

Supplemental Report from a Victim's Point of View
on "Reply to list of issues by the Government of Japan",
the Question 30 Answer 1-6, The Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake

by: WATANABE Reiko, Ms
Nishinomiya-shi, Hyogo, Japan

Dear Members of the committee for Economic, Social, and Cultural rights

In Japan, "housing" is not recognized as one of the most important factors a person's life and not one of social property. "Housing" is very often understood as a "building " or a "unit" and hardly even has a more comprehensive meaning. Governments not only make no effort to spread the concept of the "rights to adequate housing" but also show little intention of trying to understand the concept.

Housing policy is more economic than social. Housing has been considered more and more as a market commodity, which people are expected to obtain and maintain by self-reliance.

Construction-related industries accounts for quite a high proportion in Japanese economic activity. Demand for them has been create by a "scrap & build" policy. The useful life for buildings are underestimated by a length in Japan.

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